
Financial Planning

Our Team of CFPs offer comprehensive financial planning aligning your financial goals with the right financial strategies for clarity confidence and creativity.

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It’s said that if you want different results, you need to take a different approach. And yet nearly every financial advisor uses the same narrow approach to wealth management, looking only at the investment piece of the puzzle. Even those who claim to offer comprehensive financial planning often leave out two of the most critical parts of the equation: tax planning and insurance planning. Even more, they rarely create plans based on their clients’ values, including their ethics, morals, and beliefs.

At Korhorn Financial Group, we know your financial “house” has many rooms, and we believe the key to building a safe and secure financial future is to begin with what’s most important to you, and then design your plan with every area of financial planning in mind. That’s the basis of values-based financial planning, and it’s at the core of how we work as a team to help you enjoy today while planning for a better tomorrow.

Values-Based Financial Planning looks at things from a different perspective: yours.

Working together, we begin by carefully exploring the what and why of what you own, what you owe, and where you want to be in the future. That knowledge helps us hone in on the most important aspects of your finances and gives us the information we need to address each of the six key areas of your financial life:

  1. Present financial position to understand what you own and owe—and why—and your current challenges and opportunities.
  2. Protection planning to ensure you have the proper types and amounts of insurance coverage to protect what’s most important to you—beginning with your family.
  3. Tax planning to help minimize taxes both before and after retirement, and to prepare your taxes in the most efficient way possible.
  4. Investment planning to help you make investment selections and decisions that support your personal goals—even as they evolve over time.
  5. Retirement planning to provide multiple streams of income and help ensure you won’t outlive your money—no matter how long you live. The result: a retirement where life is affordable and work is optional.
  6. Estate planning to give you the peace of mind that what you’ve spent a lifetime accumulating is efficiently passed on to the people you love.

By taking the time to understand exactly where you are today and where you want to be tomorrow, we’re able to help build your own values-based Financial Life Plan—and ensure that your plan continues to meet your needs for years to come.

Ready to secure your financial future?

Join a Legacy of Success with 30 Years of Unwavering Dedication to Client Satisfaction

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